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Versatile sensor for Track Lap Counting and Timing
4 Sensor inputs and pulse outputs in each unit. (Sensors supplied separately)
Simply use in multiples as required.
The Sensor has a versatile set of options to make it easy to adapt to almost any system.
- Screw Terminal Sockets are fitted to make it easy to connect up.
- Power supply range is from 5V to 30V and this also sets the pulse voltage level. (Most common use is to have 5V pulses, so a 5V power supply would be used)
- Very low power consumption, especially when using the LDR (Light Dependant Resistor) detector elements.
- Car detection pulses can be switched between positive or negative going.
- The 4 detection Pulse output terminals and Power Supply are on one side of the board with the sensors on the other to keep the wiring simple.
- Sensors can be LDR (Light Dependant Resistor), Photo Diode or Photo Transistor. For the latter two, attention needs to be paid to the polarity of the wiring to the sensors, and they will also need a power supply to their photo LEDs (see below for the links to the wiring diagrams) The LDR is the most simple to use.
- Once set up it is fully enclosed in the little box provided and wiring exit holes can be drilled as desired. Replacement boxes can be purchased if needed.
- Small white shapes have been silk-screened on the PCB to allow marking to label the lane and sensor numbers.
- Each unit has 4 sensors and pulse outputs and can simply be used in multiples to cover as many lanes as needed.
- LDR Sensor Wiring Diagram
- Positive going Pulse Slotted Sensor Wiring Diagram
- Negative going Pulse Slotted Sensor Wiring Diagram