2008. Difficulties in designing the required features into the proposed budget have delayed the first prototypes. Testing should follow soon now that some ideas have come forward on how to proceed.
2009 Feb: Prototypes are being tested. News should follow fairly soon.
2009 May: Tests proved very positive for the general use of the controller, but the special HO features did not work as expected on an actual race track. Another design has been done and prototypes are under way. More news to follow once testing is done.
2012: Revived interest and growing popularity with the HO scale has lead to this project being reconsidered. Designs based on the new MT I are in progress.
2012 Dec: The MT II has been designed and is out on BETA tests now with several users. This has an HO feature to suit the really high magnet down force cars that stop very quickly even with no brakes applied at all. The HO feature will simulate brakes with an adjustable control just like the normal brake control. It is expected to be available form the end of April 2013.
2013 May: Delays in manufacture of boards has pushed these to be available at the end of June 2013
2013 June: the HO features have been added to the MT II controller and is now available on the web site under MT II
2014-2019: Sales of the BP II, MT I, and MT II continued through these years. No changes have been made to the HO features on the controllers since they are serving the needs well. Some custom requests have been made and successfully added to controllers to lower the sensitivity range so that the newer high speed HO motors are easier to control.